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Sakthivel 是一位在印度販賣皮帶的攤販老闆,過去家裡也曾是紡織業及裁縫界的大戶,但在父親過世後,因經營不善及市場趨勢,而轉行賣皮帶,儘管如此,他沒有被逆境打倒,反而更加倍認真工作,態度正向且積極,從這則短片中,可以學習到他的人生大智慧!

One should prove to himself that they can live life even by doing low paying jobs. We should prove to the world that we can live properly. There will be people who will feel sorry for your situation, which will make you feel ashamed and sad. We can put a full stop to that by believing that we can achieve something in life. One should work with self confidence and that self confidence will definitely save that person!

Honesty in business will also save a person big time. You can win in any business by welcoming the customer with a smiling face!

You lose the moment, you ask help from someone. We should not ask help and do everything on our own. Fight, it is not easy to win. God is looking at you closely when you are suffering a lot. When you get God’s attention, you win! God is there and he will save everyone. There is nothing greater than work. A person should get up at 6 am in the morning. One can even wake up at 5, never wast time and you will win!

Cobblers and billionaires belong to the same world. Never worry about the person going in a car, think about the person who is going without even a foot wear. You will definitely come up in life!

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