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The Law of Curiosity

12. The Law Of Curiosity

Curiosity is the key to being a life-long learner, and if you want to keep growing and developing, you must keep on learning. Curious people possess a thirst for knowledge. They continually ask why? People who remain curious don’t need to be encouraged to ask questions or explore. They just do it — all the time. And they keep doing it. This is how they learn and grow so quickly.

Curiosity helps a person to think and expand possibilities beyond the ordinary. Asking why fires the imagination. It leads to discovery. It opens up options. All meaningful and lasting change starts first in your imagination and works its way out.

10 Suggestions for Cultivating Curiosity

  1. Believe you can be curious
  2. Have a beginner’s mind-set
  3. Make why your favorite word
  4. Spend time with other curious people
  5. Learn something new every day
  6. Partake in the fruit of failure
  7. Stop looking for the right answer
  8. Get over yourself
  9. Get out of the box
  10. Enjoy your life

* Source: The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John C. Maxwell

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