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Start Something That Matters

Sometimes your dreams for living a great life and having more personal freedom can seem so far away. Yet, no matter where you are on the path, never let your small beginnings make you small-minded. When people express that your ambitions are impossible, keep going. When your dreams don’t come true instantaneously, remember it is through struggle, effort and desire that you get from here to there.

Following your dreams isn’t foolish; what’s foolish is not believing in your dreams and following other peoples’ path instead of your own. You become who you want to become by enacting habits that move you forward every day. The choices and practices you make in life are the building blocks that build a better reality.

Often, you don’t even know what’s possible until you’ve marched towards your dream; only with momentum does the path reveal itself and the goal gets clearer. Epiphanies come as you move toward something that matters.

Never let your current conditions or circumstances limit your vision or actions. Never let your current skill set limit your belief of what is possible for you or what you’re capable of. Wherever you are today, you can develop new habits to get you to your dream.

Success and fulfillment come from your unflagging ability to believe in what other people call impossible. Chase your dreams, believe in yourself and you will start to experience incredible levels of engagement and enthusiasm with life. No matter how small you start, start something that matters. Soon, you will begin to experience what we call The Charged Life!

* Source: Brendon BurchardStart Something That Matters

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