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Absorbing and Responding

04-The Power of Ideas

You encounter a plethora of ideas every day, but most of them probably go by unnoticed. That’s why you need to develop the ability to absorb. Be like a sponge. Don’t miss anything. Don’t miss the words. Don’t miss the atmosphere. Don’t miss the color. Don’t miss the scenario. Don’t miss what’s going on.

Most people are just trying to get through the day. Here’s what I (Jim Rohn) want you to be committed to doing: learn to get from the day. Learn from it. Let the day teach you. Attend the University of Life. What a difference that will make in your future. Commit yourself to learning. Commit yourself to absorbing.

I’ve got a personal friend who is gifted in this area. I think he soaks up and remembers virtually everything that has ever happened to him. He can tell you vivid stories from his teenage years: where he was, what he did, what he said, what she said, how they felt, the color of the sky, and what was going on that day. And the reason is because he absorbs everything that happens to him. I’m telling you, it’s more exciting to have him go to Acapulco and tell you about it than it is to go yourself. He has an extraordinary gift. Wherever he is, he doesn’t miss anything.

Here’s a good phrase for you to jot down: wherever you are, be there! Be there to absorb it. Take a picture if you can. Take pictures in your mind; let your soul and heart take pictures. Get it, capture it, absorb it. And don’t be causal in getting it. Casualness leads to casualties.

Next, learn to respond. Responding means letting life touch you. Don’t let it kill you, but let it touch you. Let sad things make you sad. Let happy things make you happy. Give in to the emotion. Let the feelings strike you.

Our emotions need to be as acknowledged as our intellect. It’s important to know how to feel. It’s important to know how to respond. It’s important to let life in, to let it touch you.

I’m the greatest guy in the world to take to the movies. I really get into a good movie. I want it to make me laugh, make me cry, scare me to death, teach me something, take me high, take me low. I just don’t want the movie to leave me as I was when I came in.

That’s what we all need: to have life touch us. And that’s exactly what will happen to you when you develop the ability to absorb and respond to all life has to offer.

* Source: Leading an Inspired Life by Jim Rohn

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