- While most people operate and evaluate their time based on two-dimensional thinking. Multipliers consider a third factor, which is Significance.
- Urgent is “How soon does this matter?” Important is “How much does this matter?” and Significant is “How long does this matter?”
- You multiply your time by spending time on things today that give you more time (and results) tomorrow.
- The only way to avoid always dealing with urgent fires is not to deal with your fires faster, but to get out in front of them to prevent the fires from ever happening in the first place.
- How we choose to spend our time is not just logical; it’s emotional.
- Garnering your self-esteem and your self-worth from others will result in a never-ending route of stress and anxiety as you try to serve them without allowing you to define what success means to you.
- Multipliers regularly give themselves five emotional permissions that the rest of us do not.
- Seventy-four percent of people say they are not maximizing their potential in professional endeavors, despite working more hours than ever before.
- If you read nothing further in this book, are there things you would finally give yourself the permission to do now that you know you multiply your time by spending time on things today that give you more time tomorrow? What are they?
* Source: Procrastinate on Purpose by Rory Vaden