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Government Decentralization

Reprivatization will restore strength and performance capacity to sick and incapacitated government.

“Decentralization” applied to government would not be just another form of “federalism” in which local rather than central government discharges the “doing” tasks. It would rather be a systematic policy of using the other, the nongovernmental institutions of the society of organizations, for the actual “doing.” that is, for performance, operations, execution.

Government would start out by asking the question: “How do these institutions work and what can they do?” It would then ask: “How can political and social objectives be formulated and organized in such a manner as to become opportunities for performance for these institutions?” it would then ask: “And what opportunities for accomplishment of political objectives do the abilities and capacities of these institutions offer to government?” Reprivatization will not weaken government. Indeed, its main purpose is to restore strength and performance capacity to sick and incapacitated government. We cannot go much further along the road on which government has been traveling. All we can get this way is more bureaucracy and not more performance.

ACTION POINT: Draft a proposal to turn a social program into an opportunity for your organization or one you might start.

The Age of Discontinuity

* Source: The Daily Drucker by Peter F. Drucker

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