SUCCESS = Outcome Goals + Process Goals + Action + Accountability + Social Support + Incentives + The Deadline
1. Outcome Goals
It’s your Vision. It’s the Destination you want to arrive it in a given time frame.
2. Process Goals
Process goals refer to what you are going to do in order to succeed. By hitting your process goals, you’ll ultimately achieve your outcome goals.
3. Action
All the optimism and goal-setting in the world does you no good without Action. You must plan, prepare, and force yourself to take action.
(Then, the following four steps can help you to stick with your action plan and process goals through tough times.)
4. Accountability
Research shows that being accountable to an authority figure increases your chances of success. It can also come from your friends and family too.
5. Social Support
Lean on positive people in your life to support you when things are going well, and yes, to give you a kick-in-the-butt to get back on track when you are slipping.
6. Incentives
You can use the “carrot” or the “stick” to implement Incentives. The “carrot” approach is based on a reward you’ll give yourself for taking action and hitting your process and outcome goals. On the other hand, you can motivate yourself with negative consequences. That’s the “stick” method.
7. The Deadline
Without The Deadline, we will procrastinate.