I’m not an answering machine, I’m a questioning machine. If we have all the answers, how can we’re in such a mess? -Douglas Cardinal
How Questioning Popular Thinking Can Make You More Successful
- Popular thinking sometimes means not thinking
- Popular thinking offers false hope
- Popular thinking is slow to embrace change
- Popular thinking brings only average results
How to Become a Questioning Thinker
- Think before you follow
- Appreciate thinking that is different from your own
- Continually question your own thinking
- Try new things in new ways
- Get used to being uncomfortable
Question Popular Thinking Action Plan
- Get uncomfortable
- Learn from others outside of your expertise
- Shake things up at work
- Make changes at home
* Source: How Successful People Think by John C. Maxwell
How Successful People Think is a great book just some part is not understandable for a child.
How Successful People Think is a great book, Possibility Thinking inspired me the most.
Most times I lose hope or I am negative but now I will try as much as possible to believe anything is possible.