Too many people waste valuable time and precious resources wondering what other people are thinking, intending, or doing. Rather than just asking them for clarification, they make assumptions — usually assuming against themselves — and then make decisions based on those assumptions.
Successful people, on the other hand, don’t waste time assuming or wondering. They simply check it out: “I’m wondering if…” or “Would it be okay to…?” or “Are you feeling…?” they are not afraid of rejection, so they ask.
Checking it out contributes to your success
Checking out your assumptions improves your communication, your relationships, your quality of life, and most especially your success and productivity in the workplace. You start getting better results. You don’t show up with parts missing. You don’t make assumptions about what people were going to do that they didn’t do. Whenever you have the inkling that Barbara’s not going to finish that on time, you call Barbara. You check it out.
* Source: The Success Principles by Jack Canfield