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the charge -10-consciousness_opt

The drive to experience heightened consciousness is the greatest hallmark of the human species. How do we live at the highest levels of our own human consciousness? How do we transcend them?

We want to establish more control over our thought consciousness while also releasing ourselves from its control so that we may experience a higher consciousness. So we want more control over our lives, and, at the same time, many of us sense that we must surrender to the divine.

Activator #1: Focus Your Consciousness

How shall we best use our conscious ability to control our thoughts and our lives? Where shall we focus so that we can move the needle toward higher and sustained levels of happiness and engagement?

It all comes down to moving from the fascination of how you are conscious into a focus on what you should be conscious of. We have the ability to put whatever we desire on the conscious dashboard of our minds, so we ought to decide what we shall monitor and pay attention to.

Here are five specific areas to focus your consciousness on, to ensure that you’re living fully aware and enlivened.

  • Be conscious of your thoughts
  • Be conscious of your emotional and physical energies
  • Be conscious of your behavior
  • Be conscious of others
  • Be conscious of your progress

Activator #2: Transcend Consciousness

Beyond mastering our own minds, most of us are driven by a sense that there is something more to figure out–something infinite, something beyond our control and imagination. At our deepest core and in our loftiest ambitions, we desire to transcend ourselves and connect with that something more.

By being present, noticing coincidence and intuition, and living in and through a state of love, we can better know that mysterious force.

  • Be conscious of the present moment
  • Be conscious of coincidence and intuition
  • Be conscious of love

Activator #3: Live in Wonder

To sense consciousness, we must slow down and notice the marvels unfolding all around us. We must allow ourselves to be amazed and astonished by the flow of the river, the blueness of the sky, the smile of the child, the stillness of a peaceful morning. Yet we must not simply wait for something to generate a sense of awe in us. We can rise above being stimulus-response animals and cultivate our own emotions, steering our free will into creating a sense of awe within our being.

Charge Points

1.  If I were more aware and directive of my consciousness in life, my life would change in these ways…

2.  To connect with a higher consciousness on a more regular basis, I could…

3.  The things that inspire my wonder about the world and my place in it include…

* Source: The Charge by Brendon Burchard

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