Power is the third principle of personal development. It is your ability to consciously and deliberately create the world around you. When your power is weak, you can’t effectively satisfy your needs and desires, and you become a victim of your environment. When your power is strong, you successfully cultivate a life of your own choosing, and your environment reflects it.
To some people, the word power is almost a dirty word, negatively associated with abuse of force, corruption, and unbridled greed. But in truth there’s nothing inherently evil or corrupt about the exercise of power. This principle can be aligned with truth and love, or it can be aligned with falsehood and disconnection. Whether power is used for good or evil is determined by the consciousness behind it.
The triad of truth, love, and power can serve as an incredible force for good. When honest, compassionate people remain powerless and only dishonest, uncaring people acquire power, we all suffer for it. The world is well served when those who are aligned with truth and love gain this third element. If you can be such a person, then I (Steve Pavlina) encourage you to consciously develop your power, since that decision benefits us all.
As you succeed in growing your power, you’ll be able to fulfill your needs and desires with greater ease. You’ll find it easier to set and achieve meaningful goals. The alternative is to wallow in powerlessness, thereby neglecting your needs and desires. If you neglect your needs, you may physically die; if you neglect your desires, you lower your consciousness and feel dead on the inside.
Some belief systems teach that powerlessness is a desirable trait, but nothing could be further from the truth. Powerlessness is neither noble nor intelligent. It’s a misguided path rooted in fear, denial, and low self-worth. If you desire to live more consciously, you must learn to wield and apply power wisely, not to flee from the responsibility it entails.
Mastery of power is not remotely easy. In fact, you may find its development and correct application to be your single greatest personal development challenge. Nevertheless, power remains an essential component of conscious growth. Without it, you can be no more than a passive victim of your reality. With power, you become a conscious creator.
To deepen your understanding of power, let’s explore its six key components: responsibility, desire, self-determination, focus, effort, and self-discipline.
* Source: Personal Development for Smart People by Steve Pavlina