If you want to turn your desires into reality, at some point you must take action. When you set goals that truly inspire you, you’ll feel naturally motivated to take action. You’ll work hard, but it won’t seem like hard work because you’ll be so inspired. For the most part, you’ll just be doing what you love to do.
What about the Law of Attraction? Can’t you just sit on your butt all day and manifest what you want through the power of intention? That would be a gross misunderstanding of how the Law of Attraction works. When you focus single-mindedly on what you want, you’ll begin to notice new resources appearing in your life. If you don’t take action, however, those resources will dry up, and you’ll be no closer to your goals.
Your physical body is part of the process through which your intentions will manifest. True desires will compel you to get up and move. If you aren’t driven to act, it means your intentions are weak. You’re trying to create something you don’t want badly enough, and it’s dying on the vine.
If you find yourself totally unmotivated to lift a finger toward your goals, you’ve set the wrong goals. You need to set goals that are so inspiring to you that you can’t wait to take action, and your body moves almost effortlessly. Desire is the fuel of action. If you try to fuel yourself with false desire, you simply won’t move. If there’s no motion, there’s no motivation.
How do you move when you’re about to go on an eagerly anticipated vacation? Do you lie in bed feeling lazy, whining that it’s too much work to go to the airport and catch the plane? Or do you feel motivated and excited to get under way? If your goals don’t inspire you at least as much as going on vacation, they’re lousy goals.
Achieving meaningful goals usually requires hard work, but if yours are right for you, then such labor won’t cause you to suffer. You’ll still face obstacles and challenges, but you’ll have the drive, motivation, and power to deal with them head-on. Pick goals that are so exciting to you that making a serious effort feels almost effortless.
* Source: Personal Development for Smart People by Steve Pavlina