The path for intelligent human beings is to master the art of conscious, creative self-expression. This is far more important than acquiring money and possessions, which can never compensate for a lack of conscious growth. Your creativity is the very mechanism by which you’ll achieve everything you could possibly want, including financial abundance, well-developed talents, fulfilling relationships, and meaningful contributions. When you commit to creatively sharing yourself with the world, it’s much easier to meet your needs and satisfy your desires.
Self-expression requires both a medium and a message. Your medium is the collection of creative outlets you use. For example, I (Steve Pavlina) express myself creatively through writing, blogging, and speaking, so those are my media. Your message is the most powerful truth you wish to share. My message is to share conscious growth with others, and that includes the content you’re reading in this book as well as what you’ll find on my Website.
By embracing the principles of truth, love, and power, you accomplish two things. First, you tune in to your primary message. You discover what’s most important to you, and your connectedness motivates you to share it for the benefit of all. Second, you develop the power necessary to cultivate a medium that suits your message. You invest the effort required to learn how to write, speak, act, dance, build, and so on. You do whatever it takes to create the outlets you need to share your message with the world.
When we creatively express ourselves, we’re honestly sharing what’s most important to us. This act of sharing connects us with others and offers them a glimpse of truth. When we enjoy the authentic result of someone else’s creativity, such as a poem or painting, we can perceive the principles of truth, love, and power radiating from it.
Who are you? What do you want to share with the world? What elements of truth, love, and power can you contribute through your own acts of creative self-expression? Are you here to teach us to be more nurturing, compassionate, organized, generous, productive, honest, joyful, creative, or loving? What’s the most intelligent way for you to express those qualities? Will you feed us, clothe us, teach us, motivate us, entertain us, support us, advance us, or lead us? You’re the authority here. What’s your decision?
* Source: Personal Development for Smart People by Steve Pavlina