A fascinating quality of intelligence is that it seeks its own improvement. Perhaps the smartest choice we can make is to attempt to become smarter, and growth is the mechanism through which this is achieved. It is intelligent to grow.
By improving your alignment with truth, you can gain access to new truths. By improving your alignment with love, you increase your connectedness. And by improving your alignment with power, you become more powerful. Since intelligence is the combination of truth, love, and power, you can also see that as you increase your alignment with these three principles, you effectively become more intelligent. This is precisely how you grow as a human being.
Growth is rarely linear, so you can expect plenty of diversions and setbacks along the way. But as long as you strive to increase your alignment with these principles, you will certainly grow as a result. You won’t be the same person tomorrow that you are today.
Working on your personal growth may seem like a completely selfish undertaking, but in fact it’s the most selfless thing you can possibly do. As you improve your alignment with truth, love, and power, you increase your capacity to serve others. The more intelligent you become, the more good you can do. If you haven’t already discovered this, you’ll eventually realize that when you improve yourself, you inspire others to do the same. Those people then inspire even more people, and your positive ripples of growth ultimately impact everyone. As you improve yourself, you improve all of us. As the cells improve, the whole body improves.
The most intelligent thing you can possibly do with your life is to grow.
* Source: Personal Development for Smart People by Steve Pavlina