Human relationships are a tremendous source of learning and growth. Our greatest rewards in life originate there, as do our most challenging problems. Relationships can be complicated and confusing at times, but as you’ll soon learn, the principles of truth, love, and power bring an elegant simplicity to the picture, helping us build conscious, loving connections.
We have a rich menu of intimate relationship possibilities to choose from. Some people prefer to be completely monogamous, opting for a single romantic partner until finally separated by death. Others prefer serial monogamy, experiencing a variety of partners in succession.
Still others enjoy polyamorous relationships, favoring multiple partners at the same time. And finally, some opt for celibacy and channel their romantic energies elsewhere. Some people are straight, others gay, and some bisexual. There are no right or wrong answers here. You have the freedom to direct the course of your relationships however you see fit, with the caveat that your partners willingly choose to share those experiences with you.
Since some of the ideas in this chapter run afoul of mainstream social conditioning, you may encounter parts you disagree with, and that’s fine. Aside from demonstrating how to apply the seven universal principles to your relationships, I (Steve Pavlina) don’t aim to convince you to change your particular values to match my own. I do, however, want to challenge you to question your assumptions about relationships and make your own conscious choices, even though your preferences may differ wildly from mine.
Our lives are filled with a myriad of basic relationship forms: family members, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, intimate partners, adversaries, and strangers. Regardless of your current situation, the principles of truth, love, and power can help you improve all of these.
* Source: Personal Development for Smart People by Steve Pavlina