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You Get What You Focus On

Success Principle 57_opt

If you don’t put a value on money and seek wealth, you most probably won’t receive it. You must seek wealth for it to seek you. If no burning desire for wealth arises within you, no wealth will arise around you. Having definiteness of purpose for acquiring wealth is essential for its acquisition. –Dr. John Demartini

It’s been said that in life, you get what you focus on. This rule applies to getting a new job, building a business, winning an award — but most especially to acquiring money, wealth, and a reach lifestyle.

You must decide to be wealthy

One of the first requirements of becoming wealthy is to make a conscious decision to do so.

If you want wealth, too, you must decide now from the deepest place in your heart to have wealth in your life — without worrying yet if it’s possible or not.

Next, decide what wealthy means to you

Do you know how much wealth you want?

I will have a net worth of $_____ by the year _____.
I will ear at least $_____ next year.
I will save and invest $_____ every month.
A new financial habit I will develop starting now is _____.
To become debt free, I will _____.

Find out what it costs to finance your dream life… now and later

The life you are currently living is the result of the thoughts you have thought and the actions you have taken in the past. The life you live in the future will be the result of today’s thoughts and actions. To get the kind of life you want 1 to 2 years from now, as well as the kind of lifestyle you want when you “retire,” decide exactly how much money you’ll need to live the lifestyle of your dreams.

For each category, visualize those items or activities in your life, then write down what you would need to spend to get them. Imagine eating in fine restaurants, driving your dream car, going on your dream vacation — even refurbishing your home or moving into a new one. Don’t let your mind tell you that these things are impossible or crazy. For the moment, just do the research and find out exactly what it will cost to fund your dream life — whatever that is.

* Source: The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

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