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How to Succeed: 5 Steps for Getting Ahead

What are the ideas, strategies or elements you need to put into your life to get to the next level?

#1. Consciousness

Consciousness means consciously designing your life, deciding who you are, deciding where you’re going to go and what you really want to accomplish.

#2. Competence

Study, pay attention, learn from the best and model the most intelligent, smart, successful people you can in any given area that you want to succeed in, in your life before you get into it. Then develop competency by doing it over and over and over again.

#3. Commitment

Today, commitment means getting rid of distractions. You have to decide what is it specifically that I’m willing to give up and move out of the way now, to focus on this thing and make it a success, and to truly work harder and smarter in this area.

#4. Coach

Because you can do the best you can do all day long, but if you aren’t getting feedback from your friends, your customers, your family members, and people you are trying to serve, then there’s no way you’re going to go to another level.
 Most people don’t have coaches in their life because they never sought them out. You have to go out and get a coach.

#5. Congruence

To get ahead we have to be congruent with the best within ourselves. Don’t limit your vision for yourself based on what you accomplished yesterday. You can dream and you can grow into your best person. Once you have that set in your mind, your body and unconscious behaviors will start moving towards that. It will desire to be congruent with your very thoughts about yourself.

If we can do those things, just decide to be more conscious, decide to get more competence in an area, decide to be more committed or go get a coach and be congruent with the best within you, then you can live the charged life.

* Source: Brendon Burchard – 5 Steps for Achieving Your Goals
* Related Post: Meaning Ring – Book#0009 – The Charge

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