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How Successful People Think: Big-Picture Thinking

Meaning Ring - Be a Big-Picture Thinker

Where success is concerned, people are not measured in inches or pounds or college degrees, or family background; they are measured by the size of their thinking. -David Schwartz

How Big-Picture Thinking Can Make You More Successful

The most successful people in life focus on and work within their strengths, and many of them are fairly narrow when it comes to talent and abilities. However, there are very few successful people who lack the ability to see the big picture. It’s very difficult for someone who loses perspective to be successful because one needs to see the big picture in order to make good decisions.

  1. Big-picture thinking allows you to lead
  2. Big-picture thinking keeps you on target
  3. Big-picture thinking allows you to see what others see
  4. Big-picture thinking promotes teamwork
  5. Big-picture thinking keeps you from being caught up in the mundane
  6. Big-picture thinking helps you to chart uncharted territory

How to Become a Big-Picture Thinker

If you desire to seize new opportunities and open new horizons, then you need to add big-picture thinking to your abilities. People do not become successful without that ability.

  1. Don’t strive for certainty
  2. Learn from every experience
  3. Gain insight from a variety of people
  4. Give yourself permission to expand your world

Big-Picture Thinking Action Plan

  1. Revisit the vision
  2. Broaden your experience
  3. Gain insight from others
  4. Integrate the parts of your world

* Source: How Successful People Think by John C. Maxwell

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