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Ask! Ask! Ask!

Success Principle 17_opt

History is filled with examples of incredible riches and astounding benefits people have received simply by asking for them. Yet surprisingly, asking — one of the most powerful success principles of all — is still a challenge that holds most people back.

Why people are afraid to ask

Why are people so afraid to ask? They are afraid of many things such as looking needy, looking foolish, and looking stupid. But mostly they’re afraid of experiencing rejection. Thy are afraid of hearing the word no.

The sad thing is that they’re actually rejecting themselves in advance. They’re saying no to themselves before anyone else even has a chance to.

Don’t assume that you are going to get a no. Take the risk to ask for whatever you need and want. If they say no, you are no worse off than when you started. If they say yes, you are a lot better off. Just by being willing to ask, you can get a raise, a donation, a room with an ocean view, a discount, a free sample, a date, a better assignment, the order, a more convenient delivery date, an extension, time off, or help with the housework.

Start asking today

Take time now to make a list of the things that you want that you don’t ask for at home, school, or work. Next to each one, write down how you stop yourself from asking. What is your fear? Next, write down what it is costing you not to ask. Then write down what benefit you would get if you were to ask.

* Source: The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

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