If you are going to be successful, you are going to need to learn how to deal with rejection. Rejection is a natural part of life.
Rejection is a myth!
To get over rejection, you have to realize that rejection is really a myth. It doesn’t really exist. It is simply a concept that you hold in your head. Think about it. If you ask Patty to have dinner with you and she says no, you didn’t have anyone to eat dinner with before you asked her, and you don’t have anyone to eat dinner with after you asked her. The situation didn’t get worse; it stayed the same. It only gets worse if you go inside and tell yourself something extra like “See, Mother was right. No one will ever like me. I am the slug of the universe!”
The truth is, you never have anything to lose by asking, and because there is something to possibly gain, by all means ask.
Just say “Next!”
Get used to the idea that there is going to be a lot of rejection along the way to the gold ring. The secret to success is to not give up. When someone says no, you say, “Next!” Keep on asking.
If one person tells you no, ask someone else. Remember, there are over 7 billion people on the planet! Someone, somewhere, sometime will say yes. Don’t get stuck in your fear or resentment. Move on to the next person. It is a numbers game. Someone is waiting to say yes.
* Source: The Success Principles by Jack Canfield