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Develop Four New Success Habits a Year

Success Principle 34_opt

Your habits determine your outcomes. Successful people don’t just drift to the top. Getting there requires focused action, personal discipline, and lots of energy every day to make things happen. The habits you develop from this day forward will ultimately determine how your future unfolds.

One of the problems for people with poor habits is that the results of their bad habits usually don’t show up until much later in life. When you develop a chronic bad habit, life will eventually give you consequences. You may not like the consequences, but life will still deliver them. The fact is, if you keep on doing things a certain way, you will always get a predictable result. Negative habits breed negative consequences. Positive habits create positive consequences.

What could you achieve if you took on four new habits a year?

Start by listing four new habits you would like to establish in the next year. Work on one new habit every quarter. If you work diligently on building one new habit every 13 weeks, you won’t overwhelm yourself with an unrealistic list of New Year’s resolutions… and research now shows that if you repeat a behavior for 13 weeks, it will be yours for life. By systematically adding one behavior at a time, you can dramatically improve your overall lifestyle.

* Source: The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

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