Essentialists see boundaries as empowering. They recognize that boundaries protect their time from being hijacked and often free them from the burden of having to say no to things that further others’ objectives instead of their own. They know that clear boundaries allow them to proactively eliminate the demands and encumbrances from others that distract them from the true essentials.
- Thinks if you have limits you will be limited
- Sees boundaries as constraining
- Exerts effort attempting the direct “no”
- Knows that if you have limits you will become limitless
- Sees boundaries as liberating
- Sets rules in advance that eliminate the the need for the direct “no”
How do we set the kinds of boundaries that will protect us from other people’s agendas? Below are several guidelines for your consideration.
- Don’t rob people of their problems
- Boundaries are a source of liberation
- Find your dealbreakers
- Craft social contracts
* Source: Essentialism by Greg McKeown