Essentialists don’t default to Band-Aid solutions. Instead of looking for the most obvious or immediate obstacles, they look for the ones slowing down progress. They ask, “What is getting in the way of achieving what is essential?” While the Nonessentialist is busy applying more and more pressure and piling on more and more solutions, the Essentialist simply makes a one-time investment in removing obstacles. This approach goes beyond just solving problems; it’s a method of reducing your efforts to maximize your results.
- Piles on quick-fix solutions
- Does more
- Removes obstacles to progress
- Brings forth more
Instead of focusing on the efforts and resources we need to add, the Essentialist focuses on the constrains or obstacles we need to remove. But how?
- Be clear about the essential intent
- Identify the “slowest hiker”
- Remove the obstacle
* Source: Essentialism by Greg McKeown