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How Brendon Does Social Media

I’m always asked about my approach to social media. Here are five simple ideas that have helped me reach and impact millions of people everyday:

1.  Read Every Day

Within the first hour of waking up, I read something inspiring or instructive about life. I read a lot of biographies, a lot of philosophy and psychology, a lot of quote books and poetry too. To be a thought leader, you simply must train yourself to read because it helps you think bigger and constantly broaden your mindset and perspective. By reading more you become more informed and creative. And more than anything else it’s that perspective and creative thinking that causes people to follow you.

2.  Create Something Unique Every Day

It’s in the act of creation that genius comes out. Genius is not the genesis of creativity; creative expression is the mother of genius. If you want a following, you must create something every day – not just to feed the monster but more importantly to find and hone your art, your voice, your growth and soul. You must become prolific, and to accomplish that you must become more disciplined in scheduling and sticking to real blocks of time to create.

3.  Create Things To Be Multipurpose

If you’ve created content, you should leverage it by putting it everywhere, in different formats. And then you should put all that on a consistent rotation of reposting. For example, when I record a video, I will use that video to create quotes, transcripts, podcasts, blog posts, and more. This grows my following in lots of different mediums.

4.  Stay Consistent

Sometimes people gain sudden success, but usually people who have big followings have been working at it every day for a long time. True artists and creators have their following come from their work, endurance and consistency. You can’t just start this and hope it takes off. You have to push and create and love it for years. This isn’t my busywork, it’s my life’s work.

5.  Do This With Heart

In whatever you do, be the most caring and positive thought leader in your space. If your art isn’t real and your heart isn’t in your work, you won’t be motivated or excited and you will burn out your soul trying to keep up. At the base of everything you do, you need to have heart. If people can tell that you genuinely care, and you keep demonstrating that with creative content that continues to serve them and showcase your heart, then you will be followed.

These five ideas will transform your work into art and will give you not just a bigger following, but a new level of energy, engagement, enthusiasm. You will have what we call The Charged Life!

* Source: Brendon BurchardHow Brendon Does Social Media

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