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Nature of Man and Society

Every organized society is built upon a concept of the nature of man and of his function and place in society.

Whatever its truth as a picture of human nature, this concept always gives a true picture of the nature of the society, which recognizes and identifies itself with it. It symbolizes the fundamental tenets and beliefs of society by showing the sphere of human activity, which it regards as socially decisive and supreme. The concept of man as “economic animal” is the true symbol of societies of bourgeois capitalism and of Marxist socialism, which see in the free exercise of man’s economic activity the means toward the realization of their aims. Economic satisfactions alone appear socially important and relevant. Economic positions, economic privileges, and economic rights are those for which man works.

ACTION POINT: What is the socially supreme sphere in the U.S.? How does this affect you?

The End of the Economic Man

* Source: The Daily Drucker by Peter F. Drucker

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