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Amplify Love

Motivation Manifesto

We must stop pretending that there is not enough love in the world to give or receive, as though love can somehow be diminished or squandered by human force. Love is a divine energy, always present, accessible, flowing. If we accept this much, we can go further. We can let go of past hurts, for they have nothing to do with the reality of love itself. And we can stop playing our petty games, slowly pacing the release of our love to the world only when it feels safe. Limiting how much love we give to others because we fear lack is an act of cowardice, not divine strength. And so let us now sense love anew, from a different, divine perspective. Let us feel its abundance and let it emanate through us in its full force so that we might soar and serve at levels beyond human imagination. Let us declare: We Shall Amplify Love.

A Divine Intent

To open oneself to and release love is the highest act of courage and the highest freedom. Few among us will have such divine intent or be so brave on a consistent basis. But ours must be a different destiny from that of the bitter, weak, or inattentive. If we wish to be a person of greatness, it will require a stunning release of love into the world.

Let us choose to live a life defined by love. Let us meet the eyes of all and send this message through our thoughts and deeds:

I wish nothing but joy and love for you.

But let us also remember that love, on the human realm, is more than an intention to send others. If there is no actual demonstration of active caring and regard for or from another, then we cannot give or sense human love–divine love, surely, as it is all around, but love for or from another must be sensed through action, not intent. Thinking is not love–giving is.

Today, like all days of our lives, we have choices to make about what kinds of persons we’ll be and how we’ll interact with the world. We can meet others with no intention or care. Or we can meet them with disregard and bitterness. Or we can meet them with a profoundly loving intent and fire, a full and vibrant energy that reminds them once more of the spectacular abundance of love and divinity in this world. Which choice we make will determine the quality of our lives, the depth of our relationships, and the hope of our human family.

* Source: The Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard

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