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Inspire Greatness

Motivation Manifesto

Each of us serves as a living example to others. Our character and conduct can cast either the bright glow of greatness and service to the far corners of our influence, or a shadow of smallness and selfishness to the unfortunate few nearest us. Our striving for a better life and a better world can leave others inspired if it comes from a genuine place of service, or diminished if it comes from a place of greed.

We must have the courage to ask, “In this confused era, am I seeking to be a role model on a daily basis for all of those I love and serve? Am I lifting up those around me? Am I in some way elevating humanity by leading others to see and activate their potential? Am I living a truly great life?

Seeking greatness–and doing the work to deserve it–must come back into our collective consciousness. Let us now awaken that powerful force within that seeks to lift some of the weight of the world from the backs of those struggling. Let us take our position as generals of generosity, as leaders of the highest caliber who give a damn about others and the world. Let us declare with firm intent, to the world and ourselves: We Share Inspire Greatness.

The Nine Virtues of Greatness

What exactly shall we demand of others? The same we demand of ourselves: conduct becoming of a noble character, attention to both our shortcomings and our strengths, a ready willingness to be excellent in our service to the world even when it becomes tiresome and difficult.

We will do this by inspiring and challenging others to act with wisdom and virtue in any part of their lives upon which we have influence. If we have their ear, let us sow the seeds of greatness by inspiring the nine virtues of greatness.

  1. Let us demand honesty
  2. Let us demand responsibility
  3. Let us demand intelligence
  4. Let us demand excellence
  5. Let us demand courage
  6. Let us demand respect for others
  7. Let us demand vigilance
  8. Let us demand service
  9. Let us demand unity

* Source: The Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard

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